Author: Carrie Rickenberg

This piece was guest authored by Josie Rice, Community Outreach Coordinator for Wheeler Mission-Bloomington. Read on to learn how YOU can make a difference in Bloomington! Join our ministry in Bloomington! Wheeler Mission joined Bloomington 4 years ago to address the city’s need for homeless services. While...

This piece was guests authored by Dana Jones, Wheeler Mission’s Bloomington Area Program Director. A dynamic community. A growing need. Nestled in the rolling hills of beautiful South-Central Indiana is the picturesque city of Bloomington—where I’ve loved working for almost 19 years. Just north of Lake Monroe...

Forget the former. “Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” (Isaiah 43:18-19a, ESV) The Higher Ground ladies met together, early in January, to dedicate their year to...

The Story of Wheeler Mission. Did you know we just published a book? To commemorate Wheeler Mission’s 125th anniversary in 2018, we had The Story of Wheeler Mission written. Throughout the course of the project, what began as an idea blossomed into a treasure trove filled...

This piece was authored by Susan Jones, a Center for Women & Children volunteer and Mary Wheeler Circle member. It’s 1:00 p.m. on a Friday afternoon at the Center for Women & Children. One or two at a time, several of us volunteers make our way...

“It is finished.” Dear Friends, Today is Good Friday, one of the most bittersweet, solemn, and grace-filled days in history: a day that shook the earth, broke barriers, and was the ultimate display of unrelenting forgiveness. And this forgiveness isn’t lost on Wheeler Mission’s guests. When our men...

This piece was authored by Amanda Craig, Case Manager at our Center for Women & Children in Indianapolis.  A Wonderful Privilege. Working with long-term program guests is a wonderful privilege. I get to see God transform lives with His never-ending love and grace. One transformation in particular,...