“It is finished.”

“It is finished.”

“It is finished.”

Dear Friends,

Today is Good Friday, one of the most bittersweet, solemn, and grace-filled days in history: a day that shook the earth, broke barriers, and was the ultimate display of unrelenting forgiveness.

And this forgiveness isn’t lost on Wheeler Mission’s guests. When our men and women hear “It is finished,” those remarkable words Jesus said in John 19, they’re hearing out loud that there’s nothing more to be done! Perhaps for the first time, they come face to face with the cross—the undeserved gift of a Savior who died to remove their guilt and shame. His sacrifice overpowers every addiction, misdeed, and painful circumstance and offers reconciliation, belonging, hope, and salvation.

What a powerful, incredible miracle. I love seeing our guests grasp it for themselves, and that’s why I love Easter at Wheeler Mission.

Will you pray?

Every night, around 700 men, women and children sleep in our facilities throughout Indianapolis and Bloomington. Will you pray for them this weekend? Pray that they know “the breadth and length and height and depth” of Christ’s love for them.

Pray that they would believe Easter Sunday is for them, and that they would trust Jesus. Pray that whatever crisis threatens to overcome, that the love of Christ would shine all the brighter.

Happy Easter, friend. Thank you for your remarkable, generosity, and faithfulness.

In Him,

Rick Alvis

P.S. Did you know we have a prayer ministry? Read here about how to join and serve our guests through regular prayer!