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Dear Friend, A disturbing picture A grandmother sleeping in the street. An exhausted mother cradling her young daughter. A baby sleeping in a box. These are the images we’ve placed on 20 high-traffic downtown sidewalks. Maybe you’ve seen them in the news. Better yet, maybe you stumbled...

A Life She'd Never Wanted “It’s like my world came crashing down,” Michelle remembers. As a child, Michelle was raised in Christian home and wanted for nothing. But at 15, everything changed when her parents divorced. “At 17, I started running away, and I got into alcoholism...

Just the start When men, women, and children first come to Wheeler Mission, usually the first way we provide help and hope is with a warm meal. It's after the most basic needs are met that we can begin addressing the emotional and spiritual needs of...

Dear Friends, Easter is so special at Wheeler Mission, as we celebrate the hope we have in Christ. For men and women who’ve made mistakes, suffered tragedy and lost everything, there’s amazement at the Gospel promise. Those who’ve burned bridges, lost their friends and family –...

Dear Friends, A few weeks back, local media covered numerous drug overdoses at Wheeler. Previously, I shared how we help men overcome the weight of addiction. Today, I’ll share how we empower women to do the same through our Higher Ground program. Total Life Change Higher Ground...