Next week is Thanksgiving!

mens homeless and rehab services

Next week is Thanksgiving!

Next week is THANKSGIVING!

It’s almost here…Wheeler’s busiest week of the year! From road races to bountiful feasts, the holiday week at Wheeler will be full of fun, food, and hope!

Care to keep up with the excitement? Read on below!


Throughout Thanksgiving week, we expect to serve 6,454 meals! And on Thanksgiving day, we plan to serve 530 dinners—with 300 pies and 80 turkeys! Our staff and volunteers are pulling out the stops to ensure each guest is welcomed with care, warmth, and delicious food. While this holiday dinner is important, we hope it’s just the beginning, a first step to lasting help and hope.


The Drumstick Dash is a beloved Indianapolis tradition, but it’s so much more than running shoes, turkey hats, and post-race snacks. This is Wheeler’s biggest fundraiser of the year, generating nearly $1 million to help feed and care for men, women, and children experiencing homelessness. It’s the community—families, friends, neighbors, co-workers—coming together to literally “move their feet so others can eat.” It’s a fun and loud picture of our incredible city moving together to care for our neighbors in need.

The Dash is 100% owned and operated by Wheeler Mission, so it’s all hands on deck! With over 500 volunteers, about 70 of Wheeler’s team members, and even a handful of guests, so many people give their heart and soul on Thanksgiving morning (and the days leading up to it!) to make sure this event is a huge success.

(Pictured: A group of men from Wheeler’s Men’s Residential Center will be helping out at the Dash!)

If you haven’t already included the Dash in your holiday plans, there’s still time to join us! Click here to register to run—or walk—on Thanksgiving morning!

Already registered? Click here for important day of info!


Each Thanksgiving, we’re reminded how truly remarkable our community is. From the roughly 20,000 people who show up to “move their feet so others can eat,” to the donors who give generously so we can welcome our guests inside from the cold…we are humbled and full of gratitude.

As you prepare for Thanksgiving, please pray for our guests. While we make the day as special as we can, the pang of homelessness is sharper during the holidays. And please pray for the Drumstick Dash, that it would be successful and fun, and that it would make a tremendous difference in lives of our neighbors experiencing homelessness.

Friends, it’s a big week—let’s do this!