A Virtual Wheeler Tour – Part 3 (Shelter for Men)

A Virtual Wheeler Tour – Part 3 (Shelter for Men)

This piece is guest authored by Mary Muncy, a summer development intern at Wheeler Mission.

A note from Perry.

One the best parts of my job is taking a faithful Wheeler supporter on a tour and hearing him or her say, “Wow! I had no idea Wheeler did ALL this!” But since not everyone has a chance to visit us in person, we’ll bring the tour right to your computer or mobile device! In this short three-part series, follow along with Mary—our summer development intern—as she tours our Indianapolis program locations and learns for herself!

Shelter for Men

“Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares” (Hebrews 13:1-2). The men who enter the Shelter for Men (SFM) are no strangers to hospitality. As soon as the men enter, they are shown to a day room where they can relax and speak to a case manager if they choose. Case managers  play a substantial role as they offer assistance geared to each individual. They can connect guests with Wheeler’s addiction recovery or post-incarceration programs. Case managers also work with a broad array of referral agencies across the city which help men with the complex needs of  a person who is homeless. Within the shelter, there are lockers and bins so the men can store their things in a safe and secure place. And of course, no hospitality is complete without a state-of-the-art kitchen, talented staff, and large cafeteria.


(Left, cafeteria. Right, serving station.)

If the men choose to stay overnight, they are directed to the showers where they can change into fresh, clean clothing. The clothing they brought goes into a hot room, which destroys any harmful/unwanted germs.

(Hotroom for clothing.)

Next, they find their place in one of several dorms. Each dorm is used for a different program so that the men are all on the same schedule and can develop connections and community. They are provided with clean sheets and a blanket for their beds. These dorms are a safe space; a place that allows each man to relax and know that he will wake up in safety.

(Emergency shelter dorm.)

Sometimes, it’s difficult to know what will be the most helpful for each man’s situation. But, with prayer and lots of grace, the SFM shows Christ’s love and hospitality to as many men as will receive it. Men’s souls, minds, and bodies are being fed with the overwhelming love of Christ.