test bullet page

  • Dress code: Whether serving at our men’s or women’s locations, be aware of your surroundings and make sure you are dressed appropriately and modestly. Casual clothes are recommended. Due to health code, Meal Service volunteers must wear closed-toe shoes, shirts with sleeves, and pants/skirts must be below the knee.
  • Personal belongings: Please leave belongings in a locked vehicle and out of sight. Wheeler is not responsible for lost or stolen property. No weapons are allowed.
  • Security: Each of Wheeler’s residential locations has metal detectors and security cameras to ensure the protection of guests, volunteers, and staff. Please remember we serve a diverse population. Be aware that our homeless guests may have criminal backgrounds, including sex offenders (Shelter for Men only). Although our guests have a variety of needs, we are thankful for God’s long-lasting protection.
  • Donations: Whether it is travel-sized hygiene items, clothing, or food, donations can be brought along with you at your volunteer time and dropped off when you sign in. For a current list of needed items, click here.
  • Sign In and Out: In order to know who is in the building and who is serving, it is very important to sign in and out on our Sign-in Sheets. These are generally located at the Front Desk. If you do not see them, please ask a staff member.
  • Interaction with guests: Always offer a smile and hello! Use discernment as to how to interact with guests of the opposite gender. Please do not exchange contact information or give money/gifts.
  • Photography and videography: You are more than welcome to take photos of our buildings and you or your volunteer group, but photographs/videos including guests are not
  • Flexibility: We ask that you come to your scheduled volunteer time with a patient heart and extend flexibility if your opportunity does not go as anticipated!